Another Happy Carlson Customer

Here is a great story about another customer of mine, John Prevette with Gooden & Associates out of Hope Mills, NC, and his successful transition from Civil 3d to Carlson Civil Suite.
And, I know what you’re thinking but the answer is “No.” Carlson did not pay him to say this – I asked just to make sure! In all seriousness, it’s great he was willing to be interviewed and confirm just how great a design tool Carlson is and just how quickly you’re able to get up to speed.

Feedback from Aaron Hahn, Hahn Engineering & Consulting

I’ve been a little slack in requesting feedback from my customers over the past year so I was very pleased to receive the following unsolicited feedback from Aaron Hahn this week:

I purchased the Civil Suite last month and I wanted to thank you for all your pdf tutorials you posted on your site. They have been extremely helpful and they have made the switch from Civil 3D to Carlson quick and easy.

I can confidently say, that I prefer this software over Civil 3D already (used Civil 3D for years)! It’s faster, has more control, and is generally cleaner than Civil 3D. Clean and simple.

Thanks for all your help! Looking forward to getting up to speed on more of your tutorials and webinars 🙂

Aaron Hahn
Hahn Engineering & Consulting
British Columbia, Canada
Software Purchase – December 2011

See other testimonials here

POB Magazine’s Profile on Carlson’s Supervisor+ GPS Tablet

POB Magazine has just posted a new article about Carlson’s Supervisor+ GPS Tablet that includes an interview with Butch Herter. You can see the full list of specs on the Supervisor+ here.

North Carolina Surveyors Convention – Greensboro NC

Come visit us next week at our booth at the North Carolina Surveyors Convention at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro NC. We’ll have the new Carlson Supervisor+ RTK GPS tablet available for you to test drive and you can learn how to use Carlson’s field software to collect GIS data that meets the criteria and that will import directly into Esri GIS software.

I will be teaching a concurrent session from 10:00-11:00 on Friday 2/3 on the topic of Carlson Software and GIS.

Also, if you’re brave enough, come by to take a quick CAD test – top scores eligible for great prizes!

IntelliCAD 7.1 Close to Final Release

Carlson Software and the ITC (IntelliCAD Technology Consortium) are getting pretty close to an official release for IntelliCAD 7.1…

If you’re interested in joining an “exclusive” group testing ICAD, let me know – we need your feedback. Email me at [email protected] if you would like to join the testing group.

Carlson’s New Supervisor+ GPS Tablet

Many of you saw Carlson’s new Supervisor+ GPS tablet at our workshops last November and December but it’s just now being officially rolled out…

Come by our booth at the NC and SC Surveyor’s Conventions in the next couple weeks and give it a test drive.

Read the specifications here


Carlson Supervisor+ GPS Tablet


Did you know… About the Upright flag for linetypes?

I didn’t until this weekend.

While working on a new Picks and Clicks article for Professional Surveyor magazine I stumbled on something incredibly handy. This setting keeps text that’s inserted into a linetype in an Upright position rather than allowing it to be upside-down. 

Notice the polyline in the picture below. The top segment (drawn from left to right) has the text upright but the bottom segment (drawn from right to left) shows the text upside-down.


text is upside-down in linetype

The reason this happens is because of the definition of the “GAS_LINE” linetype in the acad.lin file.

The R=0.0 parameter formats the linetype text so that it aligns with the line segment. Therefore, whether text is upright or upside-down depends on the direction the line is drawn. However, if you simply change the R=0.0 to U=0.0, the polyline displays like this:


text is upright in the linetype

Notice the text is now upright in both segments. Using the U in the linetype definition sets the “Upright” flag. Setting it to 0.0 keeps it Upright relative to the line. I played around with it a bit and, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to help much when rotating with DVIEW or UCS. But, when you’re working in world coordinates, this is a great tool.

To my knowledge this is a recently added enhancement to AutoCAD – but I thought it was cool enough to put up here!

My next column in Professional Surveyor will be… Surprise! Standardizing Linetypes! I’ll post a link here when it’s posted on their site. Follow this link to see if you are eligible for a free subscription to the print magazine: Subscribe to Professional Surveyor magazine.

“Lean and Mean: Training in Tight Times”

Last fall I was interviewed by Penelope Grenoble for an article in an upcoming issue of Grading and Excavation Contractor magazine. The article has been published in the January-February 2012 issue and can be found online here: Lean and Mean: Training in Tight Times

For those who are interested, it looks like they also offer a free subscription to their print magazine to qualified readers.