With a post to their blog last night, Bruce Carlson announced that Carlson SurvPC data collection software (Windows version of SurvCE) can now view and write directly to the Esri .mxd and Bentley Microstation.dgn file formats. This is pretty exciting stuff for both survey field crews and those who wish to design-on-the-fly from the field.
Carlson SurvPC Data Collection Now Works with Esri & MicroStation Files
Carlson’s New Supervisor+ GPS Tablet
Many of you saw Carlson’s new Supervisor+ GPS tablet at our workshops last November and December but it’s just now being officially rolled out…
Come by our booth at the NC and SC Surveyor’s Conventions in the next couple weeks and give it a test drive.
Meet Jeremy Taylor – Now Helping Me Out with Hardware & Data Collection
I’m happy to announce that Jeremy Taylor, PLS of Taylor Land Consultants has agreed to start helping me out with Carlson Software, data collector, GPS and other hardware sales. I asked him if he’d mind pitching his voice higher as he answered the phone:
Having never been a practicing land surveyor, I have not been able to promote or discuss Carlson’s stable of data collection software or hardware as well as I’d like. I have hoped to find someone who knew the products well and could present them well, but was not a salesman. I think Jeremy will be the perfect fit.
He is very well-known and just as well-respected here in the Raleigh NC area and, I believe, will be a great resource for all of us. Like me, Jeremy is a fan of Carlson’s offerings but is more concerned with providing the right solution for our customers rather than simply trying to sell the latest and greatest piece of equipment. Please take a moment to read Jeremy’s Bio here.
If you have questions on SurvCE, Carlson Survey, data collectors or GPS equipment, please feel free to contact Jeremy at (919) 335-3444 or email him at [email protected]. Going forward I think you can expect to see more of a focus on these products including special pricing and field demonstrations.