CAD Standards Manager 2013

Updated: Next live webinar will be on Wednesday, April 10th

You can sign up here:


Sooo…. This is pretty intriguing.

Anyone who has attended one of my CAD Standards Round Table classes has heard me say, “To have an effective CAD Standard, you must make it easier to do things the right way than it is to do it the wrong way.”

Well, I’m not finished with my research yet, but the CAD Standards Manager developed by CAD Masters may be just the application to make that happen. It can be installed on top of your AutoCAD-based programs to help organize your standardized layers, symbols, linetypes, dimension styles, etc. One of the best parts, to me, is that it supports multiple standards. If you have a client that requires you deliver your work product to their particular standard, this program can accommodate that too.

You can check out a pre-recorded webinar demonstrating their 2013 release here or download this flyer detailing the highlights of the program.

Or, better yet, sign up for their next live webinar here: See Above. It will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM PDT (2:30-3:30 PM ET) See Above. Since this is a live presentation, you will have a chance to ask questions to see if the program will support your specific needs.

I have a simple request… If you sign up for the live webinar, please let them know you heard about it from That CAD Girl.