Basically because I consider these CAD webinars to be live, interactive training – like a virtual classroom. Instead of reserving a conference room here in Raleigh and inviting everyone in, we’re doing it online. And, if you were coming to a live presentation in a conference room, there’s no expectation of a recording afterward.
The advantage of doing it this way is to keep the material fresh. I repeat some of the topics but, just because it’s called “Surfaces, Centerlines and Profiles” in March, doesn’t mean you’ll get the same exact lesson if I repeat it in November. For one thing, between March and November, a new version of the software with updates and new features will have been released and I’ll have different things to show.
Now, on the flipside (I’m a woman, you know there had to be at least two-sides… right?), I DO record each webinar and make it available for a short period of time but only to those who attended it live. That’s just to allow those who sneezed or rattled a bag of potato chips at the wrong time to figure out exactly what I said or what options I picked.
And, you can always use this link to my Video Library to watch the webinars I’ve done in the past for Carlson.