[FAQ434] How do I know if I’m running the latest build of my Carlson Software?

The first time you launch your Carlson Software after a computer restart, the program will usually check in with Carlson’s website to see if a new build of the software has been posted; however, sometimes this automatic Check for Updates doesn’t occur and you have to force it to check.


There is a link to Check for Updates in your Windows Carlson Software program folder as shown below:



You can also use these FAQs to manually keep up with current builds:

FAQ: Where do I find the build date or build number of my Carlson Software?

FAQ: What is the latest and greatest version/build of my Carlson Software? (a running thread)

FAQ: How can I find out when new versions or builds of Carlson are released?

FAQ: What is “The Little CAD Engine That Could” Website?

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