Frequently Asked Questions


[FAQ432] Where do I find the build date or build number of my Carlson Software?

To find the build date/build number of the software you have installed, go to the Help Menu > About Carlson. The build will be listed in the top line of the white text box.

The number shown here roughly corresponds to the date that the updated file was posted to Carlson’s downloads page using a YY/MM/DD format. You can reference this FAQ to determine the current build of the software you have installed.


FAQ: What is the latest and greatest version/build of my Carlson Software? (a running thread)

FAQ: How do I know if I’m running the latest build of my Carlson Software?

FAQ: How can I find out when new versions or builds of Carlson are released?

FAQ: What is “The Little CAD Engine That Could” Website?

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