About the Webinar Series

Purchase of this item  includes 12-months access to our Webinar Series as described here.

You can purchase at any time and the 12-months will begin on the date of the next webinar. For instance, if you purchase on 12/28 and the next webinar isn’t until 1/5, then your 12-months will end on 1/5 of the following year.

This purchase is for one person and will be registered by first name, last name and email address.

There will be a minimum of 2 webinars per month except for November and December.

As an additional bonus, purchase of 12-months access to our Webinar series also gives you a half-price registration to any other paid, online training sessions during your subscription period.

The list of upcoming webinars can be found here. The webinars are live and interactive and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and have them answered.

Depending on your state’s licensing and professional development requirements, the minutes or hours spent in each webinar presentation MAY be accepted as continuing education credit for license renewal. Approximately twice a year we will use the Go To Webinar report feature that tracks ATTENDANCE and ATTENTIVENESS of each participant to send emails confirming your attendance at each webinar.

ALSO, each attendee MUST register and log into the session individually in order for Go To Webinar to properly track attendance and attentiveness.

PLEASE NOTE: These email confirmations do not guarantee that your state licensing board will accept the hours for PDH/CEU credit, but it  may be worth calling or emailing to confirm whether they can be counted.

While some of my past webinars have been recorded and are publicly available here or on Carlson’s website, these webinars are available exclusively to those who have purchased new licenses of software from That CAD Girl in the preceding 12-month period or who have purchased this 12-month subscription.

You can learn more about our monthly webinars and other training here.

About the Webinar Series

  • Purchase a new license of Carlson Software from one of our Trusted Partners and you may be eligible for a FREE 12-month, “Company-wide” subscription for up to 10 employees
  • If you don’t need more software, you can also purchase a 12-month, Company Subscription or Individual Subscription from our online store
  • There will be at least 2 webinars per month, except for November and December
  • Webinar Series presentations are approximately 1-hour long, are live and interactive
  • Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions during the presentation – both verbally or by typing them into a chat window
  • Webinar attendance is tracked using a personal name and email address
  • Certificates of Attendance will be provided to those who attend the live presentation AND use a personal name and email address when registering or logging into the session
  • Read here to find out how you might receive PDH or CEU credit for the webinars
  • Technology-permitting, and for a limited time, recordings of webinars will be made available for review to those who attended the live presentation
  • The first webinar each month will always be an Introduction to Carlson Software – Settings, Setup, Configuration & Points and will be presented with the most current version of the product
  • Other webinars are scheduled and added regularly upon request

Webinar Series Access for Current Customers

Please visit your Customer Portal and find the Webinar Series tab (in the upper-right) to pre-register or join sessions in progress. Your Customer Portal is personalized and is linked to your email address.  You will have access to recordings and certificates of attendance for webinars that you attended.

If you have trouble accessing your Customer Portal, please email us at [email protected].


Guest Access to Webinars

FAQ: Am I eligible to attend your Carlson Software webinars for free?

If you are not currently eligible, click the button below to request to attend as a guest.


Purchase Webinar Access


Upcoming That CAD Girl Webinars

Date & TimeTopic
January 2025
Wed January 15th - 1:00Intro to Carlson Software – Settings, Setup, Configuration & Points
Tue January 21st - 12:00It's Like Printing Money! Make your drone, Carlson Photo Capture and
Carlson Desktop Software work for you!
Presented by Jim Carlson, Carlson Software
Tue January 28th - 1:00Making Models from a Mess – Using Carlson Cleanup and Elevate Tools
for Stakeout and Model Building
Wed January 29th - 12:00Tips & Tricks in Carlson Software with Travis Maxwell
February 2025
Tue February 4th - 12:00Intro to Carlson Software – Settings, Setup, Configuration & Points
Tue February 11th - 12:00Tips & Tricks in Carlson Software with Travis Maxwell
Tue February 25th - 1:00Taking a Survey Project from Field to Plotted Sheet
Thurs February 27th - 2:00Case Study for a Sanitary Sewer Collection System with Travis Maxwell
March 2025
Mon March 10th - 2:30ZOOM Test Session # 1
Tue March 11th - 1:00ZOOM test Session # 2
Tue March 11th - 3:00Intro to Carlson Software Settings, Setup, Configuration & Points with That CAD Girl
Tue March 18th - 2:00Elevating Polylines and Surface Modeling with Carlson Construction & Takeoff with That Cad Girl
Thurs March 20th - 1:00Survey Database & Dynamic Features In AutoCAD Civil 3D with Elizabeth Valerio, EIT, Application Engineer and AutoCAD Certified Instructor for CAD Masters
Tues March 25th - 2:00An Overview for Enhanced Productivity with MicroSurvey CAD Featuring James Johnston, Support and Training Manager for MicroSurvey
April 2025
Tues April 1st - 12:00ZOOM Test Session # 3
Tues April 1st - 2:00Intro to Carlson Software Settings, Setup, Configuration & Points with That CAD Girl
Thurs April 10th - 1:00C3D Surface from Points with Elizabeth Valerio, EIT, Application Engineer and AutoCAD Certified Instructor for CAD Masters
Tues April 15th - 2:00MicroSurvey STAR*NET Least Squares Analysis
with James Johnston, Support and Training Manager for MicroSurvey
Thurs April 17th - 2:00Overview of Paper Space, Title Blocks and Templates in CAD with That CAD Girl
Check back for more to come!

Webinar Descriptions

Advanced Field to Finish – Perfecting Coding & Creating Linework
The content presented in this webinar is a follow-up to the ‘Very Basics of Field to Finish’ webinar. This webinar will focus on perfecting coding for maximum efficiency and also how to create linework for drawing production.
Basics of Annotation in Carlson Software
The content presented in this  webinar will cover the setup and management of text styles in CAD and Carlson Software.
Centerlines, Profiles & Overview of RoadNet
The content presented in this webinar will cover how to manually define and draft centerlines and profiles – commands available in several Carlson programs such as Survey, Civil, Construction and Takeoff.

We will then use Carlson’s RoadNet command to automate the design of a network of roads, including intersections and cul-de-sacs.

Deeds of Lots and Lots of Lots
The content presented in this webinar will cover a variety of ways to define and label lots in Carlson Software. If time permits, other lot defining and checking commands such as deed correlation and legal description writer will be shown.
Features of Carlson Civil
The content presented in this webinar will serve as a follow up to the Intro to Carlson Software webinar and will cover features that are more specific to Carlson Civil. A basic understanding of Carlson annotation, points, surfaces, centerlines and profiles is recommended but not required in order to get the most out of this presentation.

Topics will vary but may include:

  • 3d data – elevate menu
  • Grading with Points
  • LotNet
  • SiteNet
  • RoadNet
  • Sections

Features of Carlson Hydrology – Drafting Pipes & Structures
The content presented in this webinar will cover the basics of using Carlson Hydrology to create a sewer network and draw the structures and pipes in plan and profile view. A basic understanding of Carlson surfaces, centerlines and profiles is recommended but not required in order to get the most out of this presentation.
Features of Carlson Survey
The content presented in this webinar will serve as a follow up to the Intro to Carlson Software webinar and will cover features that are more specific to Carlson Survey. A basic understanding of Carlson annotation, points, surfaces and centerlines is recommended but not required in order to get the most out of this presentation.

Topics will vary but may include:

  • Field to Finish
  • Deed Entry
  • Legal Desc Writer
  • Raw File Editor
  • LotNet
  • Cogo Commands
  • Import Shapefile
  • Import MrSID

Features of Carlson Survey & Civil - Setting Points and Stakeout
The content presented in this webinar will serve as a follow up to the Intro to Carlson Software webinar and will cover features that are more specific to Carlson Survey and Civil. A basic understanding of Carlson annotation, points, surfaces and centerlines is recommended but not required in order to get the most out of this presentation.

Some of the topics that may be covered are:

  • Points by slope
  • Create points on entities
  • Creating points on a surface
  • Set spot elevations
  • Building offset extensions
  • Set points on offset
  • Offset points by interval

Features of Carlson Survey & Civil – Annotation in Carlson Software
The content presented in this webinar will cover the basics of how annotation and labeling is managed in Carlson Software. During this webinar we will show how to set and save the settings for annotating points, parcels, centerlines, profiles and sections.
Features of Carlson Survey, Civil, Construction and Takeoff - Surfaces, Grading & Volumes
The content presented in this webinar will serve as a follow up to the Intro to Carlson Software webinar and will cover the creation of surface models with points and breaklines and calculating cut & fill volumes between two surfaces. A basic understanding of Carlson points and surfaces is recommended but not required in order to get the most out of this presentation.
Features of Carlson Takeoff
The content presented in this webinar will demonstrate the modules in Carlson Takeoff and Carlson Takeoff Suite including Construction, CADnet, Trench and GeoTech.

Some of the topics that may be included are:

  • Digitizing or otherwise converting printed plans to CAD entities
  • Quantity and material takeoffs
  • Surface Model creation
  • Trench templates and quantities
  • Subsurface model creation using soil boring data
  • Various reports and file output

Introduction to Carlson Software: Settings, Setup, Configuration & Points
The content presented in this webinar will cover the basics needed to get started in any Carlson desktop program. The only features to be covered in this webinar are those available in the first 7 menus (from File to Points) that are the same in all programs.

  • Carlson Configure
  • Establishing and Saving default Carlson settings
  • Drawing Templates
  • Drawing Setup
  • Toolbars
  • Various commands under the general set of menus
  • New drawings and CRD files
  • Overview of points

Introduction to Carlson Software - Annotation, Surfaces, Centerlines & Profiles
The content presented in this webinar will cover the basics of annotation including the best method of using text styles and text size scaler settings. We will also provide an overview of creating surfaces, centerlines and profiles – commands available in several Carlson programs such as Survey, Civil, Construction and Takeoff.

Topics will vary but may include:

  • Text Styles
  • Lot and parcel annotation
  • Creating surfaces from points and breaklines
  • Defining and stationing centerline alignments
  • Extracting profiles from surfaces
  • Import/Export LandXML
  • Features of Carlson Survey

Intro to Carlson Surfaces, Centerlines and Profiles
The content presented in this webinar will provide an overview of creating surfaces, centerlines and profiles – commands available in several Carlson programs such as Survey, Civil, Construction and Takeoff.

Topics will vary but may include:

  • Creating surfaces from points and breaklines
  • Defining and stationing centerline alignments
  • Extracting profiles from surfaces
  • Import/Export LandXML

Making Models from a Mess – Carlson Tools to Elevate 2D Drawings to 3D for staking or surface models
The content presented in this webinar will cover some of the Carlson commands you can use to clean up and elevate 2d design data in order to generate quantity takeoffs and models for machine control.

Some topics that may be discussed are:

  • creating a working drawing from one or many design files
  • drawing cleanup to minimize file size
  • options for importing Land Desktop or Civil 3d data
  • converting spot elevations to Carlson points
  • elevating curbs, buildings and contours from spot elevations

Overview of Carlson CADNet – Working with Images & Converting to Linework
This webinar will cover the functionality in CADNet that allows you to import BIM IFC files, PDFs or other images into your drawing files. We will show how to convert the features in those images to drawing linework either using special tools in the software or by digitizing with Carlson CADNet.

Topics will vary but may include:

– Digitizing PDFs and other images

– Converting polylines to linework and text

– Importing MrSID, Google Earth and other images

– Importing BIM IFC files

Overview of Carlson GIS
The content presented in this webinar will show an overview of features available in Carlson GIS software.

Some of the topics that may be presented are:

  • Importing and exporting of shapefiles
  • Reviewing data with GIS Inspector
  • Displaying and querying GIS data
  • Attaching data to CAD entities
  • Insert Google Earth and other publicly available imagery

Site Project Grading from Start to Finish
The content presented in this webinar will start with only an existing ground surface and layout of a proposed building and small parking area and show how to use tools in Carlson Software to determine buildable grades, elevate breaklines and generate a proposed surface model.
Surface Modeling with the SiteNet & Takeoff Menus in Civil, Construction & Takeoff
The content presented in this webinar will cover layer-based surface modeling, volume calculation and material quantity calculation tools in the SiteNet and Takeoff menus in Carlson Civil, Construction & Takeoff.
Surfaces & Breaklines - The Basics
The content presented in this webinar will touch on the different approaches to building a surface model depending on whether you’re creating it from points, breaklines or a combination of both. We will spend some time demonstrating why breaklines are important components of building an accurate surface.
Taking a Survey Project from Field to Plotted Sheet
The content presented in this webinar will cover the basics of importing points, deed entry and inserting of sheet elements such as a title block, north arrow, legend and barscale.
The Very Basics of Carlson Field to Finish
The content presented in this webinar will cover the creation of field codes for points only type codes and some tips and tricks for layering and displaying of descriptions.
Tips & Tricks to Recover Corrupt Drawings
The content presented in this webinar will cover some of the tools and commands you can use to recover entities saved in DWG files that have become corrupt or cannot be opened.

Meet Our Guest Presenters

Doug Aaberg, Carlson Software
Doug is a Registered Land Surveyor in Massachusetts and he currently serves in a Survey support role for Carlson Software.
Steve Cummings, Carlson Software
Steve works for Carlson Software and serves as the Photo Capture Product Manager, Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Scanner Specialist. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from the University of Wyoming.
Walt Liles, Vice President of Terrain Technology
Walt Liles, Vice President of Terrain Technology, has spent more than 20 years in surveying, civil engineering and construction and has previously provided training and technical support for Carlson Software and various GPS products and software.
Mark Long, Carlson Software
Mark Long has been the Hydrology/Civil Engineering Specialist at Carlson Software since 2011. Prior to working with Carlson Software he spent 30+ years working with consulting engineering firms in Wake County NC focusing on residential and commercial development projects.
Dave Lorenzo, Intellicad Technology Consortium (ITC)
Dave Lorenzo is the President of the Intellicad Technology Consortium (ITC).

Webinar Descriptions

Intro to Carlson Software – Settings, Setup, Configuration & Points
This Introduction to Carlson Software webinar will cover the basics needed to get started in any Carlson desktop program. The only features that will be covered in this webinar are those available in the first 7 menus (from File to Points) that are the same in all programs.


Topics will vary but may include:

  • Carlson Configure
  • Establishing and Saving default Carlson settings
  • Drawing Templates
  • Drawing Setup
  • Toolbars
  • Various commands under the general set of menus
  • New drawings and CRD files
  • Overview of points

All About Jennifer
This webinar will expand on the topics presented in the Intro to Carlson Software webinars and will cover the creation of surface models with points and breaklines and calculating cut & fill volumes between two surfaces. A basic understanding of Carlson points and surfaces is recommended but not required in order to get the most out of this presentation.


Topics will vary but may include:

  • Surface inspector
  • Cut/fill color map
  • Design pad template
  • Volumes
  • Pond design
  • Creating daylight lines
  • Walls
  • Combining surfaces
  • Export to LandXML
  • Export to machine control files


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