[FAQ305] What features & menus are in Carlson GIS? (a running thread)
Carlson GIS 2017

Features and Benefits of GIS 2017
Here are some of the things you can do with Carlson GIS:
- Take advantage of the Carlson/Esri® partnership with these and other CAD software commands:
- Import/Export Esri SHP files
- Export DWG file with Esri MSC data
- Export Esri Projection file
- Import and Export GIS Data between Carlson GIS and Carlson SurvCE
- Work with many image formats including:
- Geo-referenced images
- Google Earth images
- CAD software images
- MrSID images
- Convert GIS data to and from AutoCAD Map
- Query and Report GIS generated entities
- Hatch & Label GIS generated polylines
- Create, Audit and Erase links to GIS database
- Define Note file prompts for data collection