They’re Back!! ESRI, I mean!
I got a nice surprise a few weeks ago – a call from Donny Sosa, a Survey Industry Specialist with ESRI. Donny was nice enough to come to North Carolina and present a session at my [...]Read more
They’re Back!! ESRI, I mean!
I got a nice surprise a few weeks ago – a call from Donny Sosa, a Survey Industry Specialist with ESRI. Donny was nice enough to come to North Carolina and present a session at my [...]Read more
Carlson Tip: Using Carlson Software? Here’s what to look for in a new computer
Problem: You’re running Carlson Software and need a new computer… What do you need and how much do you need to spend? The shortest answer is to follow this link to Carlson’s [...]Read more
2014 That CAD Girl Workshop – Time to Register!
It’s workshop and PDH time again! We’re mostly following the same calendar as last year with a 1/2 day in Asheville and 2 full days in Statesville and Raleigh. Each event [...]Read more
Carlson Tip of the Day… Virtually “printing” to PDF, DWF, JPG and PNG files
If you’ve recently switched from an AutoCAD-based program to Carlson with IntelliCAD, one thing you may miss is having the ability to virtually “plot” your drawings to PDF, DWF, [...]Read more
Carlson Tip of the Day… List of improvements in Carlson 2015 programs
General AutoCAD 2015 – Added support for this new version. IntelliCAD 8.0 – Direct support for 2013 DWG file format. Added 64-bit version. New features including support for dynamic entity [...]Read more
Carlson 2015 Has Been Released!
Carlson posted the 2015 versions of their for CAD (IntelliCAD or AutoCAD 2004-2015) on Tuesday afternoon… you can Download Carlson 2015 products with IntelliCAD here. The 2015 versions of [...]Read more
Robert Green’s “An Open Letter to CAD Software Companies” and a Response from IntelliCAD
If you’re one of the many folks out there who don’t believe that the developers of your CAD software are listening to you… you’re not alone and you should take the time to [...]Read more
End of Year Workshops – New format for 2013
After several years of the same format for our end of year workshops, we’ve changed it up a bit this year. For the first time, we will have one full day in both Statesville and Raleigh NC [...]Read more
Does Carlson Still Work With AutoCAD?
File this under “Myths”… I hope this isn’t widespread, but I received the following email yesterday and think it’s important to respond publicly. The email is posted [...]Read more