Carlson Training
2016 End of Year Workshops – Focus on SurvNet, Adv Roadway Design & Hydrology
I’m very excited to announce the official lineup for our end of year workshops! We’ll be in the same locations this year and will generally follow the same format with a couple of [...]Read more
It’s been a fun (and busy!) few weeks…
Thanks to everyone who attended our workshops in Statesville & Hendersonville this month! We were pretty much busting the seams of our event space in Hendersonville and we’ll be better [...]Read more
Special Financing Offer Thru 8/31/2015
That CAD Girl is working with Carlson Software and Advance Acceptance to offer special, low rate financing through 8/31/2015. Rates of 0%, 1.99% and 2.99% are available for new software purchases [...]Read more

Special Financing Offer Thru 8/31/2015
That CAD Girl is working with Carlson Software and Advance Acceptance to offer special, low rate financing through 8/31/2015. Rates of 0%, 1.99% and 2.99% are available for new software purchases [...]Read more
Join Bruce Carlson for a first look at Precision 3d Culverts
If you missed this presentation, you can watch it here I’m very pleased to announce that Bruce Carlson, President of Carlson Software, will be presenting an encore of his Intro to Precision [...]Read more
March, April & May Webinars – Now Posted!
I’ve just updated my list of Upcoming Webinars for the next few months. There are several new and reconfigured sessions and I’ve got Mark Long, Carlson’s Hydrology expert, on [...]Read more
2014 That CAD Girl Workshop – Time to Register!
It’s workshop and PDH time again! We’re mostly following the same calendar as last year with a 1/2 day in Asheville and 2 full days in Statesville and Raleigh. Each event [...]Read more
Carlson Tip of the Day… Wiped Out Property Corner Symbols
I get this question quite a lot and thought it would be a good topic for Tips of the day… Problem: Lines or polylines of a boundary show up inside your open property corner symbols. See the [...]Read more
“Lean and Mean: Training in Tight Times”
Last fall I was interviewed by Penelope Grenoble for an article in an upcoming issue of Grading and Excavation Contractor magazine. The article has been published in the January-February 2012 [...]Read more