Articles posted by "JENNIFER DIBONA"
Carlson Webinars
Beginning on May 18th, I will be presenting a series of Free webinars in partnership with Carlson Software. This series of webinars will generally alternate between IntelliCAD/AutoCAD topics and [...]Read more
Carlson Civil Suite $2,125
Yes, I know that I just sent out an email advertising my price for Civil Suite at a different price, but Carlson surprised everyone by initiating their special pricing. New pricing for other [...]Read more
That CAD Girl – March 2010 Newsletter
Our March Newsletter can be downloaded HERERead more
Carlson Software VS Civil 3D® – Revisited
There is a loooonnnggg conversation comparing Civil 3D and Carlson Software that is taking place across two websites: and Autodesk Civil 3D Discussion Group: Carlson VS 3D. I give [...]Read more
Poll: What Are Your Upgrade Plans?
We ran this poll last year and thought it would be interesting to run it again to see how and if things have changed…Read more
That CAD Girl – February 2010 Newsletter
Our February Newsletter can be downloaded HERERead more
Carlson Software: Student Version
Answering a need that’s been out there for some time, Carlson has recently announced the availability of a “Student Version” of their products. From the announcement in the [...]Read more
Carlson Software: In the Classroom
Did you know that there are almost 200 colleges and universities currently participating in Carlson’s Academics Program? Carlson works simply and simply works – making it the ideal [...]Read more
Export IntelliCAD or AutoCAD DWG files to Google Earth
I’ve recently started using a very cool feature in Carlson Software. The bad thing… it was in the 2009 version and I didn’t even realize it! I had no idea exporting our DWG files from IntelliCAD [...]Read more
PDF Conversion in Carlson 2010
With more construction bid sets being issued in Portable Document Format (PDF), more companies find themselves in the position of needing to generate estimating and construction data from these [...]Read more