Poll Question 3/30/2009
[polldaddy poll=1493826] Originally posted on Carlson Connection by Jennifer DibonaRead more
AutoCAD 2010 Release, Autodesk 2006 Software Retirement
Autodesk has announced that their 2010 products will be released on March 24, 2009. I found this post by Randy McSwain to be a good overview of the new features in AutoCAD 2010. As of March 13, [...]Read more
IntelliCAD Update for Carlson Products – 2/2/2009
The most recent IntelliCAD Update for Carlson can be found here: http://update.carlsonsw.com/entov/c2009_icad_post65_install.exe From Carlson: It contains the fixes based on user input and crash [...]Read more
Dewberry Case Study, ‘Choosing and Implementing Carlson,’ at the Carlson ‘Break New Ground’ Users Conference, April 5-7
MAYSVILLE, Ky., U.S.A. (March 24, 2009) ― At the Carlson “Break New Ground” User Conference in Lexington, Ky., April 5 through 7, David Palumbo of Dewberry will be presenting a case study on how [...]Read more
Large Companies DO Use Carlson – Dewberry Presenting Implementation Case Study at Conference
Carlson Software put out a press release this week announcing that a representative of Dewberry will be making a presentation at the User Conference about their recent implementation of Carlson [...]Read more
BIM this, BIM that… What is BIM?
Q: What is BIM? And, exactly how does it relate to the civil engineering industry? A: BIM, by definition, has nothing to do with civil engineering. BIM stands for “Building [...]Read more
Top Myths About Carlson Software
I’m asked many of these questions on a fairly regular basis and thought it was time to look into some of them and provide the fullest answer I could. Where possible, I’ve researched [...]Read more
Welcome from Carlson Software
Carlson Software would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Carlson Connection forum. Thanks to the invaluable input made by Jennifer and Felicia, they are able to offer an [...]Read more
That CAD Girl – March Newsletter
Our March Newsletter can be downloaded HERERead more